AnnaBelle is 20 months old (1 yr 8 mos) - Already 10 months past her first steps shes starting to put sentences together. Right now she is really practicing all the words she's heard us say. She tells us she wants to put her "shoes on" and "go outside", she'll give us the "keys" and tell us to all "go" in the "car", and she'll bring us our misc articles labeling them; "daddy's guitar", mommy's book" etc... She is learning!!- she understands soo much, but its tricky getting her to say it. We'll find her practicing to her self before she'll blurt it out to us :) ... we're not to afraid as she already has a vocabulary of about 80 words, phrasing many of them together!
Potty training has been tricky, she enjoys the convenience of going wherever she wants. She is clever and embraces the idea of potty before bedtime trying to grasp a few more minutes. She's pushing the terrible twos a bit, but we're putting up good resistance so far - but again, she already has a fake cry pretty well together alongside occasional escape heists. 95% the time she is a good kid... we think its all the treats her grandpas feed her when we're not looking that send her into chaos..
She loves playing with dog, reading books , and climbing as high as she can! She'll stop anything to sing a song or dance a bit, which is our way of diverting her attention (ha-ha-ha)...
Beth is at school, getting some prereqs out of the way for her nursing, so two days a week for four hours annabelle goes to Cuyamaca daycare- It is an incredible facility! She comes learning things that hadn't crossed our minds. She'll clean off her plate after every meal, and has a mastery of the kitchen utencils and any drawing tools! She has good interction with the other kids, so the social skills can be aquired :)
Her closest friends are Noah, Brianna, and MyMy.. She talks about them all the time, and always takes joy in seeing there pictures.. She always talks about her first beach experience, which noah happened to be on, now I think they are dating. Noah holds her hand and guides her around the house. Brianna is the closest to AnnaBelle in age, they like to play a form of tag and hug, MyMy is annabelle playmate when we take her to work. Usually the spend time hugging each other and sharing toys.. but these are deep friendships! :)
We look forward to Christmas with Annabelle, and weil probably take her to see all the lights, snow, and festivities, she is especially excited about anything new - it will be a blast - we hope to share that with you too!
Yippee! You guys got a blogger page! I am sooo excited :)
Yippee! You guys got a blogger page! I am so excited :)
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