Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First Snapshots of the Baby

Slideshow Instruction:
Place mouse cursor over flying snapshots to increase their size, you can control the pic's movement by placing your cursor to either side of the pic, place cursor in center of pic to stop it, & click on the pic to open it into a new browser

The Ultrasound:
We went for our first Doctors visit on June 26. These snapshots of our baby are at 11 weeks one day. Just like AnnaBelle, our kiddo was already running circles! We saw a couple cartwheels and what looked like the Mamba! The Doctor said the baby looked very healthy. We'll find out Boy or Girl in September. Enjoy the Pics!


Anonymous said...

so that means you were a little farther along than you thought, huh?
congrats! can't wait to find out what it is....maybe you'll get a boy second like we did!

Anonymous said...

so...in the 3rd picture, it kinda looks like there are 2 kids in there...